poster design/

The movie poster design for "Playtime," a 1967 comedy film directed by Jacques Tati, captures the essence of this classic cinematic masterpiece.  Combining elements of humor and sophistication, the poster aims to intrigue and entice audiences, inviting them to embark on a delightful cinematic journey filled with laughter and charm. With a nod to Tati's unique directorial style, the poster design encapsulates the essence of "Playtime" and sets the stage for an unforgettable movie-watching experience.

为1967年由雅克·塔蒂(Jacques Tati)执导的喜剧电影 <Playtime> 重新设计的电影海报。这个海报旨在引发观众的兴趣,通过融合幽默和细节的元素,邀请观众踏上一个充满欢笑和魅力的电影之旅。